Mr. Bo-Bo

Mr. Bo-Bo

Monday, August 11, 2014

0011 - A Discovery of Cucumbers

I try to feed the dogs different kinds of fruits and veggies, just because I like to see what they will and won't eat. Of course, I do check to make sure that's okay because some foods are toxic to dogs and I don't want to make them sick. Grapes (and raisins), for instance, are very, very bad for dogs... and you wouldn't think so, but as little as one grape/raisin can do a lot of harm. So always check first.

Cucumbers, as it turns out, are okay for dogs. They crunch, which appeals to Bo and they are food, which appeals to Daisy. So we have found a new, inexpensive low calorie snack for the dogs, and they are also nice and cool which is fun for summer:

This website is kind of neat since it specifically addresses the question "Can I give my dog...?" and you can find whatever food or medicine you want to know about.

Leave me a comment and let me know what interesting things your dogs like to eat! Just the other day we found out that Daisy loves spinach, and Bo likes dehydrated zucchini, but not sauteed zucchini.

I like things that go CUH-RUNCH!

Yes you do Mr. Bo-Bo... yes you do...

So about that... you got any more cucumbers...?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

0010 - A New Game

Daisy Bear and Mr. Bo-Bo played a new game last night.

First she ate his head

Then I ate hers

This afternoon I asked Mr. Bo-Bo to sit

And I said, "I'm a Pointer, not a sitter." Ha!

Yes... ha. Very funny -- you still sat.

And Daisy Bear reminded us both that she is neither sitter nor pointer.

The End.

Friday, August 8, 2014

0009 - Photo Op

Mr. Bo-Bo just wanted to say hello. His tummy was gurgly today so he was laying low and dressing casual.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

0008 - A Pixel of Ink & A Daisy Video

Just wanted to let all of you know about a newsletter that showcases some of the free and reduced price Kindle books that are made available each and every day. I'm sure there are several websites out there but this is the one I have recently subscribed to, it is called A Pixel of Ink (and it is also free).

"Why would someone offer their book for free?" You might ask. Because it helps get people interested, and the more people who 'buy' these free books and like them/talk about them, the more buzz a book will get... which ultimately leads to more sales. It is a great marketing tool, especially when an author has written more than one book. And it is a great opportunity for you the reader to become familiar with an author's work without risk.

I will most likely participate in this program myself from time to time, and when I do I will give you a heads up so that you can download my book if you are so inclined. If you don't have a Kindle it is not a problem, on my sidebar (to the right) there is a free Kindle App that will allow you to read Kindle content on your computer, phone, tablet, etc. I'm sure many of you are aware of this, but for those who aren't, you can click on that link and it will take you directly to the App page so you can sign up. There is a lot of good stuff out there so show some support and if you enjoy a book you've read, please rate it and leave a comment to let others know.


So now that I've bored the kids and they've promised never to read Mr. Bo-Bo's Boring Blog again...

You mean Mama's Boring Blog - I had nothing to do with this catastrophe.

...I will attempt to redeem myself with this short video of Daisy.

If aliens land and they turn out to be hostile glowing creatures about the size of a small dot, with the ability to dart around a room at lightning speed, Daisy will be there to protect us all:

I am Mr. Bo-Bo and I approve of this message!

Thank you for your support Mr. Bo-Bo... and you dear reader, for yours.

0007 - We Love 'Em Anyway

My husband Mike (aka Daddy) ran across this video and sent it to me. This dog is amazing! He listens! He does tricks! He even surfs!

And in comparison, this is our Great Dane Daisy... she's seven months old and not quite as agile (or cooperative) but we love her anyway. How could you not? She's so stinkin' cute... but you won't see her on a surf board any time soon. And Mr. Bo-Bo says we shouldn't expect to see him on one either. ;)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

0006 - Go Fly a Kite

Last night me and Mama stayed up late...

Waaaaay past our bedtimes.

...and looked through Pinterest for some fun activities.

I notice you have a fondness for slime, paint and bubbles.

Bubbles! I like it when you blow bubbles and I can chase them and try to eat them.

Hey, anything to keep you occupied; bonus if you think it's a treat.

You mean it's not a treat? 

Not a food treat.

That explains it... seems like they would taste better than they do.

Next time we'll have to search for edible bubbles and see what's out there.

Okay Mama -- so here are top three favorites:

That one surprises me a little bit.

Why Mama?

It's not messy. I figured you'd be all about the mud paints.

I like those too but I'm a bird dog, which means I like birds. This should bring them right to me -- I won't even have to sniff them out!

This one looks messy, it's on my to-do list:

Lava actually ties in with your second book, Bo-Bo the Destroyer.

Oh yeah! I will destroooooooooy youuuuu!

And for my last project - I think we should make this one today:

We just might have to. It's been a long time since I've flown a kite and it's a nice day for it.

Woohoo! I'm going to fly a kite! Do you think I can fly too?

You're a little heavy for that.

What if I build a really BIG kite?

Instead of trying to explain it to you, I'll let you read about how kites fly (click here), maybe that will help you understand (moms and dads click here for an activity sheet).

Okay. I like to learn new stuff!

And you should mention that there are more fun activities on your Pinterest board.

There are lots of fun activities. Can we add more Mama?

Definitely! Alright, now let's go make some lunch.

Sounds good to me! Can we have chicken? I love chicken... it's a bird you know.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

0005 - Tuckered Out

Did you move from the couch at all today Mr. Bo-Bo?

I tried but it was too comfy. And you cleaned it today so it smelled good.

It must have; I tried to get you to play but you wouldn't budge.

Did so. I moved to the other couch.

Looks like Daisy thought the couch was comfortable too.

Yeah, but she came over to snuggle with me. She's nice and warm and she smells good.

Like graham crackers? I think she smells like graham crackers.

Daddy says she smells like a dog and needs a bath.

He says that about you too.

Do I smell like a dog?

Well you are a dog.

So is Daisy but you said she smells like crackers.

You smell like a dog.

I'l take that as a compliment.

Okay, but you'll also be taking a bath.

I can't hear you, I'm dead.

Nice try, but tomorrow you get a bath. :)

You'll have to catch me first...
