Mr. Bo-Bo

Mr. Bo-Bo

Monday, July 28, 2014

0003 - Sir Sniffs-a-Lot

So what have you done today Mr. Bo-Bo?

A lot! After I woke up this morning Daddy went out to mow. So when he came back in the house I sniffed him real good.

Which he appreciates, I'm sure.

Mama, you always say there are people who learn by doing and people who learn by seeing... I'm a  dog so I learn by sniffing and tasting! I can tell that he mowed where the deer run through the yard, I smelled turkeys, and there was a groundhog somewhere nearby...

Actually he was waddling through the back yard.

Next time you see him, ask him if we can play together!

I would but he always runs off. He's more skittish than the deer.

Maybe Daisy Bear will play with me. I let her play with Ropey this afternoon, but sometimes we play with Ropey together.

So after you sniffed Daddy, what did you do?

Well... I watched the two of you eat lunch... without giving me any of your chicken... Then me and Daisy dog-piled onto the loveseat with Daddy. Ready for our mid-afternoon nap.

And I made sure to get the good seat because I'm Daddy's boy.

But since Daisy Bear is my best girl, I let her lay next to me.

The two of you are certainly cute together.

Mr. Bo-Bo...?

Oh, you're asleep. Well, bye for now everyone!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

0002 - Newsies

Hello again!


I was talking to them Mama.

So was I.

You're so funny Mama.

Thank you Mr. Bo-Bo. So what did you want to blog about?

Oh, um, I just wanted to share a couple of pictures. Like, can you show them the one of me curled up in bed?

That's a cute one. You're all curled up into a little Bo-Ball.

And I'm surrounded by blue! I look really good in blue.

They know.

And then... can you show them my girlfriend, Daisy?

Sure. They'll get to meet her later in the Mr. Bo-Bo Picture Book Series too.

I like Daisy Bear. She's pretty, and she can reach the top of the counter and get her own snacks if she wants to.

Oh really?


Well here's Daisy Bear with her new big girl collar on.

She is a big girl Mama, a Great Dane.

That's right Mr. Bo-Bo. When she's full grown she'll be about twice your size. But she's a sweetie.

And here she is gazing adoringly at Daddy. She missed him while he was gone.

I missed him too. He plays fun games with me like The Bitey-Bite game. I'm good at that one.

Which is why we don't play that one anymore.

I know... I miss that too. Now Daddy makes me do tricks like sit and speak and he keeps saying things that don't make any sense like "Shake," and "Come here Mr. Bo-Bo."

You really need to learn that one.

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.

You never do... Time to say goodnight Mr. Bo-Bo.

Good night everybody!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

0001 - Hello

Hi, I'm Mr. Bo-Bo.

And I'm Mama.

If you're here you're probably reading the books Mama wrote about me. She thought maybe you'd like to know a little more about me.

Well first, Mr. Bo-Bo and the Waggy Tails is a mostly true story, it just doesn't tell the whole story because Mama didn't think anyone would read it if it was too sad so she... what was the word you used?

I embellished a little bit, it means I added some good details and left out some bad ones. I wanted to focus on your personality since you're such a happy boy.

What's not to be happy about? I get to eat treats all day!

Let's not get distracted Mr. Bo-Bo... finish your story.

Okay... I'm a full-blood English Pointer but my breeder didn't think I was gaining weight fast enough so he took me to the vet to have me put down. BUT some nice people at the vet's office decided to give me a second chance and here I am today.

And Daddy really, really, really wanted a puppy...

He pestered the heck out of me.

Mama, what does pestered mean?

He bugged me, like you do for treats.

He sat perfectly still and gave you the Pointer eyes? Wow! Daddy can do everything!

Something like that. But you're getting sidetracked. So what happened next?

So he looked and looked and looked, and after hundreds...

Literally hundreds. Maybe even thousands.

... of puppies, he found my picture on a rescue site. Daddy said it was love at first sight. He saw me and knew I was the one.

And I fell in love with you too.

But Daddy is the one who came and got me. He drove all he way from Alabama to Arkansas!

Yes he did. He was working in Alabama at the time and I was at home in Tennessee. I was a little jealous because I had to wait to meet you.

Well now you and me and Daddy, we're best friends! A real family!

And you started gaining weight, and now you're a healthy, gorgeous boy - possibly the best looking Pointer in the whole world. Can I show everyone what you looked like when we brought you home compared to now?

I guess so. Is it the picture with the blue sweater? I look REALLY good in the blue sweater...

No, that day you wouldn't let me put it on you even though it was freezing out.

I remember that day, we took a walk and I got to smell lots of interesting scents. Smelling is my favorite!

I thought eating treats was your favorite.

Eating treats IS my favorite!

Okay Mr. Bo-Bo, we've told your story so now we need to let the nice people get back to their day.

Do we have to?

Yes, we have to. But we can chat with them another time.

Can we at least show them the picture of me in the blue sweater first?

Okay Mr. Bo-Bo, but then you have to say goodbye, okay?

Look! Blue Sweater! Okay bye everybody! I'm going to go eat some treats now!

I never said that...

Funny, I thought you did...

Okay Mr. Bo-Bo... let's get you some treats... you're so spoiled... Bye everyone.